Finnish – Swedish Transboundary River Commission
The Agreement between Finland and Sweden concerning transboundary rivers entered into force on the 1st of October 2010. The purpose of the Agreement is to promote cross-border cooperation in water and fisheries issues and ensure equal opportunities for the two countries to use transboundary rivers for the benefit of the frontier region.
Welcome to the international seminar with the theme “Offshore windpower and migratory fish” arranged by The Finnish-Swedish Transboundary River Commission 8-9 October in Kemi, Finland. (Possibility to register for remote participation)
Register here (If you haven´t done so yet)

Agreement in English
Read the agreement here in English:
The Commission has a secretary. The person to be appointed as the secretary shall have the Master’s degree and master both the Finnish and Swedish languages. The secretary assists in the preparation of matters in accordance with the chair’s guidance, keeps the minutes and records of the Commission and sees to sending out the invitations and other documents as well as the management of finances.
Mrs Annika Sallisalmi, secretary
Email: annika.sallisalmi(at)fsgk.se
Mobile +358 (0)40 526 11 06
Mr Simja Lempinen, water- and environment engineer
Email: simja.lempinen(at)fsgk.se
Mobile +358 (0) 40 833 5643
Mrs Kati Snäll assisting secretary
Email: kati.snall(at)fsgk.se Mobile +358(0) 40 705 5509

The Fishing Rule for the River Tornionjoki Fishing District, as an integral part of the Agreement, lays down provisions concerning the protected districts, fishing seasons and closed seasons, minimum sizes, and fishing gear and their use.

Water Management
Finnish Swedish Transboundary Water Commission develops cooperation between Finland and Sweden in the water management area. In matters concerning activities practised in the water management area which fall under the water and environmental legislation and which may have impacts on the status and use of the transboundary rivers or coastal water areas the Commission has the right to give a statement on a permit matter or appeal a decision concerning a permit matter.

Flooding Protection
The Commission shall promote the coordination of planning work by authorities and municipalities of Sweden and Finland to prevent flood and environmental damages in the transboundary rivers. Commission shall see that Sweden and Finland communicate jointly on the programmes and plans referred to in this Article and hold joint hearings.
Torne river area