Seminar “Offshore windpower and migratory fish” in Kemi 8-9th of October 2024

The seminar gathered around 80 participants from various stakeholder groups.

Presentations in the seminar

Simja Lempinen, Finnish-Swedish transboundary river commission: Why is a river commission interested in offshore windpower?

Jan Ekebom, Ministry of Environment in Finland: Environmental impact from offshore windpower

Jan Schmidtbauer Crona, Swedish agency for Marine and Water management: Swedish maritime spatial planning, offshore windpower and migrating salmon

Gustav Hellström, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences: Impact of offshore windpower farms on migrating fish – what we know and how to study it

Atso Romakkaniemi, Natural Resources Institute in Finland: Offshore windpower and migratory fish – what do we know about fish migrations in the Northern Bothnian Bay?

Mari Pohja-Mykrä, Coordinator for the Finnish maritime spatial planning: Finnish maritime spatial planning and migratory fish

Minttu Peuraniemi, Regional Council of Lapland: Offshore wind and migratory fish in regional planning

Julia Autio, The Museum of Torne Valley: Dipnet fishing on its way to UNESCO list of immaterial cultural heritages

Micaela Hellström, Mix Research: eDNA technology as a tool for estimating fish abundande and migrations

Veera Villikari, Renewables Finland: Overview of offshore windpower in Finland

Lina Kinning, Swedish Windenergy: Overview of offshore windpower in Sweden

Kalervo Aska, The River Society (river Torne and Muonio): A perspective from the Torne river valley on offshore windpower

Juuso Haapaniemi, HELCOM: Cumulative impacts in the Baltic Sea – findings from the thirds HELCOM holistic assessment

Astrid Bratli, Nordic Energy Research: Biodiversity and coexistence in Nordic offshore wind farms

Daniel Yngsell, County Administrative Board in Västernorrland: Offshore windpower – an introduction to the permitting process in Sweden